Ch Dalshoj Chippendale TD ME (Imp Dmk)
Thank-you Hanne Sonne for letting this boy join us all the way from Denmark. Chip combines the long established lines of Dandyhow and Sub Terram, among others. These lines are well known both for their success in the conformation ring and their fantastic working ability. Already, after just 7 months in the country, Chip has titles in both sports.
Chip certainly lives up to the standard in being “active and game”, with a superb spark, fantastic coat and pelt, lovely bone, expression, and overall types. He is of correct size, weighing 7kgs.
Chip loves toys, but ultimately loves to please. He has a beautiful soft nature that makes him ideal for cuddles.
Mr Geoff Blyth (Tasmania), Border Terrier Club of NSW 2010 Championship Show:
Lovely young dog oozing breed type. He has the correct otter shaped head, which is moderately broad and muzzle short and strong. He has a good underjaw with a pleasing and very typical expression. He has dark eyes and small v shaped ears which drop forward close to his cheek. Good traight front with ample bone, neat well padded feet. Lovely neck into shoulders and level topline, has has good overall balance, strong loin, easily spannable body and strong racy hind quarters. Moderately short tail. Good harsh and dense coat with a good pelt very sound movement and alert to his surroundings my pleasure to award him DCC and Best in Show.
Ms Sharon Bover (Victoria), Border Terrier Club of NSW 2011 Championship Show:
This dog has a strong otter head with a good width of skull, short strong muzzle, keen dark expression framed by small v shaped ears. His body is reasonably narrow and ribs carried well back. Good harsh coat. Did not have the angulation and movement of the first dog.
Key Achievements
Chip only arrived in Australia in March 2010, and in his first seven months in Australia achieved:
- 100+ points to make him an Australian Champion
- Passes in Novice Earthdog, resulting in the title of “NE” (Novice Earthdog)
- A best in speciality show win (Border Terrier Club of NSW Championship Show 2010)
- A runner-up best in show win (Terrier Club of SA Championship Show, May 2010, under Anne Sorraghan)
- Two runner-up in group wins
- Two additional passes in Senior Earthdog, making him two-thirds of the way to his SE title
6th August 2011 – Chip easily gained his ‘Tracking Dog’ title under Nid Watts. He is a natural at this sport.
12th June 2011 – Chip received his final Senior Earthdog pass, under Lynne Leopold, to achieve the title of ‘Senior Earthdog’.
Sire : Swd Fin Dk J Ch. Sub Terram Pang På Rödbetan | S: Cz Ch. Akenside Vertigo | S: UK Ch. Lyndhay Ringmaster |
D: Akenside Praline | ||
D: Fin J S J Ch. Sub Terram Tjugofyra Karat | S: Su Ch. Plushcourt Law Lord | |
D: Ch. Sub Terram Så Ska Det Låta | ||
Dam : Dalshöj Oprah | S: Fin Dk Swe Ch. Foxforest Little Hiawatha | S: Int Ch. Ashbrae Archie |
D: Int Ch. Foxforest Clear to Fly | ||
D: Dalshöj Frede-Rikke | S: Dk Ch. Dandyhow Sunday Times | |
D:Dalshöj Aske-Po |