
Chip and Winnie received fantastic critiques from Sharon Bover (Victoria) from the BT Club of NSW Championship Show 2011. Here are his critiques:

Ch Dalshoj Chippendale SE TD (Imp Dmk) – This dog has a strong otter head with a good width of skull, short strong muzzle, keen dark expression framed by small v shaped ears. His body is reasonably narrow and ribs carried well back. Good harsh coat. Did not have the angulation and movement of the first dog.

Leema Sprig O Clover – A balanced bitch with good outline, and bone. Head very expressive and feminine and like that of an otter. Good width across the skull, dark keen eye, and strong short muzzle, being accentuated with small V shaped ears hanging to the cheeks. Would prefer more angulation. Good hard dense coat and pelt.
Winnie was awarded Puppy in Show and Best Head in Show.