The prefix of “Leema” is registered with the Australian National Kennel Club to myself, Tegan Whalan. This prefix was registered in 2009. We are based in Hamley Bridge, South Australia. We acquired our first border terrier in 2002, and bred our first litter in 2010.
My aim in breeding border terriers is to produce borders that are as close as possible to the breed standard, and also able to perform at work (i.e. hunting small animals). This means that temperament is paramount – the standard calls for an “active and game” dog.
I was lucky enough to get my first border terrier in 2002 and have been smitten with the breed ever since. Unfortunately this dog had an undescendent testicle and a heartmurmur, which means he was unsuitable for both show and breeding. These beginnings have led me to be very health conscious regarding our breed.
A huge thank–you to Phyl Wilson (Wilwyn border terriers), Clare & Diana (Burrowa border terriers), and Bill & Brigitte Walkey for their assistance along the way.
Though we exhibit in conformation, we also compete in earthdog and tracking. Additionally, there is an interest in obedience, agility, endurance, and flyball – which we have not quite yet fulfilled as yet!