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Dual Ch. (ED) Leema Didjah Win JC


Didge is a drivey, athletic dog. He easily gained two championship titles (conformation and earthdog) in his first two years. His harsh coat is easy to maintain. He enjoys fetch and hitting himself on the head with his rope toy.

Next for Didge is tracking and his endurance title.






Mr Robert Bartram (Craigend), Border Terrier Club of Victoria 2016 Championship show, when Didge was 4 months old:
Nicely balanced youngster, in excellent coat and condition. Moves well going away but need to tighten a little in front and develop in head, Time is on his side.

Didge was awarded Baby Puppy in Show.




Key Achievements


August 2018 – Received his final pass for his Earthdog Champion title.

July 2018 – Received his final pass for his Junior Courser title.

Late 2017 – Earthdog of the Year award for the Border Terrier Club of NSW Inc.

May 2017 – Became a conformation champion.

April 2017 – Two Junior in Group awards in one weekend!

September 2016 – Puppy of Breed at the Royal Adelaide Show.

June 2016 – Baby Puppy in Show at the Border Terrier Club of Victoria Championship Show, under border terrier specialist Robert Bartram.





Sire : Sup Ch Chanpema Royal Flush S: Ch & NZ Ch Bohunt Pillow Talk S: TS Gr Ch Dual Ch (T) Glenbogle Bottomly Potts ET
D: NZ Ch Hollystone Tete-a-Tete at Tamaleigh (Imp NZ)
D: Ch Hilbren Bonnie Lass S: Ch Stormvale Borda Imperial
D: Ch Stormvale Borda Bliss
Dam : Ch Leema Sprig O Clover NE S: Ch Dalshoj Chippendale TD ME (Imp Den) S: Swd Fin Dk J Ch. Sub Terram Pang På Rödbetan
D: Dalshöj Oprah
D: Tri Ch (ED)(T) Burrowa Blue Flame DWDF.N HTM.S RN S: Ch Conundrum Sweet Sir Galahad (Imp UK)
D: Ch Witby Alyssum NE