


Ch Leema Winning Ink SE


Rue is a sweet natured dog who likes to sing and pretzel when she meets new people, old friends, or children. She is confident and social with people and dogs. She enjoys sleeping, unless there are lizards or other creatures invading her yard




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Mrs Dee Paterson (Stormvale) at the Border Terrier Club of NSW Inc Championship Show 2015:


Lovely head. Well balanced overall. Showed with presence.



Key Achievements


October 2014 – Became a conformation champion.

August 2014 – Earned her sernior earthdog title.

July 2014 – Earned her novice earthdog title.

May 2014 – Became eligible for her earthdog instinct certificate.





Sire : Gr Ch Stormvale Borda Force S: Gr Ch Stormvale Borda Impact S: Ch Lester Borda Gamekeeper
D: Stormvale Borda Redkelso
D: Ch & NZ Ch Narrabri Caramello Dream (Imp NZ S: NZ Ch Ditchburn Matthew
D: NZ Ch Narrabri Cuppucinno
Dam : Ch Leema Sprig O Clover NE S: Ch Dalshoj Chippendale TD ME (Imp Den) S: Swd Fin Dk J Ch. Sub Terram Pang På Rödbetan
D: Dalshöj Oprah
D: Tri Ch (ED)(T) Burrowa Blue Flame DWDF.N HTM.S RN S: Ch Conundrum Sweet Sir Galahad (Imp UK)
D: Ch Witby Alyssum NE