
The Week in Tweets – 7th September

This is our (almost) weekly segment where we review the content posted on our Twitter over the course of the week. It’s a long post! So make sure you grab a coffee and prepare yourself for some serious reading.

Before we start, I thought I’d share a video of my new chicken, Eveready, laying an egg. I recycled a shelf from a friend to fashion this nesting box and, as I put in in the coop, before I had a chance to level it, Eveready was in and fussing. So I spent 10 minutes sitting on the floor of the chicken coop filming this. She actually lays the egg soon after 6 minutes.

Eveready and her friend Duracell are ex-battery hens who were lucky enough to be saved by Edgar’s Mission. They joined us a week ago and I love them heaps already.

Now! On with the tweets:


Tweet of the Week

Earlier this year, I took the course ‘Canine Theriogenology for Dog Enthusiasts‘ and loved it.  They are now running the course again (thought longer – 8 week course this time), starting in October.  I highly recommend it.  And great value as it’s free!  No gimmicks, just awesome free online education about dog reproduction.  Even if you just sign up to watch the lectures it’ll be worth it – I promise.


Dog Breeds and Breeding

This is a close second to the tweet of the week: The scandal of marketing purebred dogs. A well articulated post by Ruffly Speaking talking about the problems associated with elitism in purebred dog breeding.

The Modern Kennel Conundrum – a look at the designer dog trend.

Judges weigh in on grooming.

“Ancient” dog breeds? Not so ancient, it turns out.


Dog Training

Pinch Me AKA Prong Me – this one was a close runner for Tweet of the Week.

Attack Dog to Relax Dog.

Do dogs learn faster for food than other types of rewards?

From Eileen and Dogs: “Force-free training and the continuum fallacy: defining ourselves” and “But we don’t give our kids a cookie everytime they tie their shoes!“.

On choosing dog trainers: Peer Pressure? Bite me!Describing dog training: Weasel words or clear descriptions? and Finding the Right Dog Trainer – Harder Than You Think.

Except when you can reinforce fear.

Puppy around a pole.

Those Pesky Finishes.


Dog Behaviour

From Patricia McConnell: Ah Youth! The initiation of play in dogs and You’ve got a friend?.

The Cumulative Effect.

Learning to Speak Dog Part 4: Reading a Dog’s Body.

What is this dog telling us? Do you see his behavioral cues?

Trigger stacking and stress hormones.


Dog Science

Help dog science! Undertake this survey on Perceptions of Dog Personality.

Wolves show scientists are barking up the wrong tree.

Dog genetics spur scientific spat.

Looking at Dog Brains.


Dog Rescue and Sheltering – The good news stories

Study: Impulsive pet adoptions as successful as planned ones.

Downtown Dog Rescue on Facebook.

Poll finds most would pay higher rates to save abandoned pets.

Tip of the week: Used tennis balls – at your services.

Dr Jeff Young – International Achievements in spay/neuter clinics.

DDR and Found Animals join forces for South LA Animals.


Dog Rescue and Sheltering – The rest

My Kool-Aid drinking days.

Animal Shelters – the new puppy mills.

Mom was right: It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.

Raising the bar.

Microchipped, surrendered, loved – not enough to save Tyson from the pound.

How to get a dog from a rescue group.

10 Things You Need to Foster a Dog.

American Humane Association Study and Literature Review Indicates Hundres of Thousands of ADopted Pets are Given Up, Lost or Die Each Year.

Shelter Revolution’s Mission.

Did Cairns RSPCA kill Mamma Dog? Yes, and six more like her.


Dog Health

Why long toe nails are harmful to your dog’s health.

Researcher recognized for drug reaction discovery in dogs.

Knuckling Over.


Breed Specific Legislation

A tale of two dogs and the many who may follow them.

What is a ‘pit bull’?

“Raising Them Right” and “Bad Owners” – another one close to being the Tweet of the Week.

What could a local council spend $90,000 on?


Cops and Dogs

Cops shoot rottweiler dead.

Dog surprises officer after being freed from a fence.

El Monte Police Officer Shoots Family’s 2 -year-old Dog.


Other Dog Stuff

Cuddle with a beautiful border terrier puppy.

Mochi and Jolie dog watches.

Dog bite prevention in children.

Seminar! Kids and Dogs: Pitfalls and Potentials.

Easy Slip Lead – a Vet Hospital’s Most Valuable Tool when Dealing with Fearful Dogs.

The “Bait Dog” Phenomenon.

Does your border terrier sing to squeaky toys?

Australian Working Dog Alliance Conference is coming soon.


Other Animal Stuff

The Scrotum is Nuts.

Cats that look like male models.

From CreatureCast: Multicellularity and Picky Females.

Show me the honey! Honeyguides and humans team up at dinner time.

Cheetah chases impala antelope into tourist’s car on safari.

What honeybees can teach us about democracy.

20 Most Impressive Wildlife Photos from the National Geographic.

China’s Millionaire Pigeon Racers.


Just Other Stuff

Language learning begins in the womb (while this link doesn’t talk about dogs and puppy development, I did wonder what puppies may be learning in utero).

My Imaginary Well Dressed Toddler Daughter.



Duracell, a new chicken.

Another day, another sleeping Myrtle picture.

Nigretta Falls, Victoria.