Things we tweeted about this week.
Events and Going Ons
I want to go to the International Ethological Conference Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour in 2013. Sadly, I don’t think I will be able to afford travel arrangements to the UK, but I hope some of my readers may be able to attend (then blog like mad about it!).
Another conference I wish I could attend: The Canine Science Forum. This one is happening in Spain in July this year. This forum has been great (from afar) the last couple of events, and I so wish I could attend. Alas!
Another event – this one closer to home, and I’m going to be there! – the Adelaide Animal Expo. The Companion Animal Welfare Society (CAWS) will be attending, and I will be there with my borders. Hope I might see some of my Adelaide readers there.
Dog Training and Behaviour
A punishment method highlighting how an efficient and safe punishment is often easier to implement and has prompter results than a long-term reward method. From Click And Treat.
An interview with Kathy Sdao, “One of the Dog Training World’s Rock Stars”, from Dogster.
When asked to reflect on dog training over her life, Susan Garrett concludes: “Dogs are amazing and will do everything you want if you have cheese“.
Crystal continues on her long stream of marvellous content on Reactive Champion with a post on teachings at a Jane Killion seminar: Attention is a Behavior, and you Can Teach It!
Do you remember Clever Hans, the horse that could count? Well, seemingly… A post from Patricia McConnell on “Clever Hans Revisited“.
Dog Breeds
The Honest Dog talks about why we should give up on breeds, just change the way we are breeding them to focus on health. “Don’t change breeds: Change the breeding“. And mixed no words with her post: “‘Fancy’ reacts with outrage over denying train-wreck breeds their trophies“.
Terrierman talks about several breeds (specifically the Bulldog, Pekingese, and Clumber Spaner) failing the new health tests at Crufts.
A news article on a couple who spent £10,000 on ‘cosmetic surgery’ for a facelift for their bloodhound.
Dog Health
Dogs Naturally wrote about challenging ‘the ultimate vaccine authority‘: The vet, in regards to vaccine health.
ThatMutt spoke about What Not To Do regarding dog vaccinations (and also wrote a great post on why does my dog shake his body?).
My Dogs Love Me wrote a post about turmeric in reducing a dog’s eye cyst. I had heard about turmeric’s benefits, but was I excited to see some ‘first hand’ experience on its success.
Dog Rescue
Prisoners for Profit commented on the recent saga with the Pet Industry Association of Australia: “Pet Industry Out of Touch“.
At Love and a Six Foot Leash they shared the story of Lollie the Wonderdog, and how her new home was a work in process, and not ‘love at first site’. Read about it with: “A Hard Transition“.
As always, Saving Pets provided a worthwhile analysis of an Australian pound, this time looking at what may be ‘Australia’s worst council pound’ – Campbelltown Pound.
As we know, getting pets out of shelters is partly about marketing, and photography is a huge step of marketing. Second Chance Photos is a fantastic project aiming to save pets through photography.
Pet MD Asks: Why do so many dogs end up on death row for peeing in the house?
Reducing stress and boredom in pound environments is important to making dogs don’t go ‘kennel crazy’ and become (debatably) ‘unadoptable’. These videos, from the Animal Farm Foundation, shows a process in making awesome Kong and ice treats.
Don’t assume that the lost dog you find is uncared for! Assumptions usually lead us down the wrong path.
Other Dog Stuff
The KC Dog Blog looks at ‘political irrationality‘, a video on TED, and then applies this conduct to notions of breed specific legislation.
Interesting post from the Canine Corner by Stanley Coren about the dogs on the Titanic ship. I learnt something new!
Dog Videos
Radish: The Amazing Ball Bopping Whippet.
30minutes of agility at Crufts.
Cute beagle playing with wind up mouse toy.
Learn a little bit more about herding dogs.
Lovely little retro/vintage video describing dog ownership in the 30s/40s.
Animal Stuff
The 25 Funniest Hover Animals Ever.
Two bits about Alex the (amazing) talking parrot: A podcast interview and a ABC News segment video.
I found the Creature Cast blog – the most amazing, quirky content ever. Still getting through all their existing great content!
Non-Animal Stuff
This is extremely off topic. You may not know but, in my other life, I am a teacher with honours in education and a deep interest in young people’s sexualities… Which spurred me to write about child porn for the Adelaide Reader.
Thanks for the mention! Much appreciated! Thanks for reading!
You seem to be a regular feature. 🙂 Keep blogging great stuff and I’ll keep Tweeting it!
Wow now that is a lot of info. And lots of great links to check out. Second Chance Photos is awesome, I really think that it’s brilliant! I know it is helping lots of pets get noticed.
Hope you found some links of interest in this post, Peggy. Also nice know that you have heard of Second Chance Photos – I could only really go off their website, so it’s nice to hear that they’re out there being brilliant!