Welcome to our only weekly (ish) segment: The Week in Tweets! This is where I summarise my weekly tweets (from my Twitter account) and choose my favourite as the Tweet of the Week.
Tweek of the Week
It is no secret that I have a huge crush on the Saving Pets blog, with them being in my 5 Favourite Blogs of 2011, and with their blog making regular appearances in the Week in Tweets. One of their latest posts is, “Could Instagram make your photos pop?“. Having recently joined Instagram, I am starting to appreciate the app more than I ever could as a spectator. Saving Pets considers how Instagram could be used by shelters to, firstly, make very cool pictures of their pets available for adoption, but also for making an online gallery of their pets available for adoption. An innovative marketing strategy for shelters to see more pets in new homes, and faster.
Other Animal Rescue Stuff
Animal Sheltering (a magazine of the Humane Society of the US) produced an article called “Food for Thought“, on working with food aggressive dogs in a shelter environment.
Another one from Saving Pets, this time called Puppy Farms and RSPCA getting cosy – a response to the recent deal between PIAA and RSPCA in Australia.
Nathan Winograd asks, “Can you neuter you way out of killing?” (hint: The answer is no).
From hoarded to hope: Marley and Charley.
Dog Training and Behaviour Stuff
Why are ‘positive reinforcement’ dog trainers so negative?
What our dogs are saying when we’re not paying attention – a look at the subtle body language of dogs.
Stuff that Squirrel! Tips on stuffing your dog’s hollow chew toy.
Dog Health
Biting down on anesthesia-free pet dentistry – the scam!
Other Dog Stuff
Twenty tips for finding a lost dog – very comprehensive and worth having on hand.
When the ethical treatment of animals goes wrong.
When should we add a new dog? (to our home, to our existing two-legged family)
Animal Stuff
Cosmo Talks: Jokes between Friends by Betty Jean Craige – a look at animal sense of humour.
Then and Now of a Tortoise and a Girl (from Terrierman).
Myrtle wants to make friends with Yowie the puppy, but Yowie has other ideas.
Yowie, our temporary foster puppy.
Yowie, sleeping next to Clover.
Myrtle winning minor puppy in group. (Her first time out of baby puppy!)
What a great list! It will take me a week to get through all the useful stuff here:)
Hope you enjoy it, Kristen! I only tweet stuff I think is good (or ‘interesting’ if it’s not necessary the viewpoint I take).