This is the failing weekly segment where I list the posts I have shared on my Twitter. I’ve been a bit slack, so this segment isn’t anywhere near weekly at the moment. It just means you have to spend a bit more time reading all these fantastic links at once. Hope you enjoy!
Tweet of the Week
The Oatmeal writes comical content, but not normally about dogs… Until recently, when they posted “My dog: The Paradox“. I cry every time I read it! It is very funny, because it’s very true, but it’s also a lovely account of dog ownership, and a lament of the short lifespan of the dog. It’s absolutely worth the read. It is light hearted and easy to take. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. (Please accept this language warning, however!)
I loved Denise Fenzi’s recent post on rewarding mistakes – exactly my kind of logic, but better articulated than I ever could.
Good news for Los Angeles dog owners: BAT Seminar for Los Angeles Dog People!
A video on teaching ‘hop up’ and ‘off’ to a dog.
A lovely short seminar segment from Suzanne Clothier called “Keeping It Safe“, on counter conditioning and safety in dog training.
You have probably seen Doggie Drawings’ awesome illustrations in your online travels, but did you know that they are free for you to use on your site? They explain in: These illustrations are indeed free. (I also tweeted her cute picture of “Karel“. You can commission these great illustrations!)
Crystal on Reactive posts regarding her attendance at Shedd Animal Training Seminar: What is Animal Training, Anyway?
I shared a bit of content from Dr Sophia Yin’s blog, which I am currently really enjoying. Two of her posts were “Dog training classes can and should be more than sit, stay, stand” and “7 things all dogs need“.
The Nonsense of No from Michael Baugh.
Another author who I have enjoyed over the past month has been Nicole Wilde’s “Wilde About Dogs” blog. If you’re not already subscribed to her blog, I’d suggest you start! She has posted lovely blog posts such as “The Dominance Filter” (how acceptance of the notion of dominance alters our understanding of dogs), “Nowhere to Run” (on fearful dogs), and “When You Assume” (the dangers of assuming other dogs are friendly).
Fearful Dogs posted “A rose by any other name?“, on how our use of language and terminology affects meaning. (This is actually similar to The Dominance Filter post mentioned above.)
Anabuse for the alcoholic dog – on barking in dogs from Terrierman.
Two good posts form the Dog Lovers Digest: The principle of Primum non Nocere (do no harm) in dog training and “Simple answers?”
Love and a Leash posted “Do unto others: Intimidation in dog training“, asking why so many dog trainers still bully dogs.
Food Aggression
Recently, a shocking video of Cesar Milan getting bitten by a dog (“Showdown with Holly“) has been used to promote his upcoming series of the Dog Whisperer. Basically, Cesar Milan approaches a food aggressive dog as it is eating, provokes and harasses the dog, and the dog eventually bites and shakes his arm. The dog community internationally have blogged and dissected the incident, and many provided some really good content on better (safer and more effective) ways of dealing with food aggression.
From Dr Sophia Yin: Food Aggression in Dogs is About Finesse, Not Force.
A video dissecting the body language of Holly.
From Nicole Wilde: Pushed Too Far.
And an interesting study: Dogs who guarded food bowls in shelter did not continue behavior in homes.
Still think your Labrador Retriever is safe? Think again!
The KC Dog Blog reports on the case against bred-specific legislation in Australia.
Book Review: The Pit Bull Placebo by Karen Delise (a review by Team Unruly blog).
The Saving Pets blog always reports on BSL problems in Australia. This month was no exception with posts titled “Another murder in Moira – Brax“, “The breed creep begins“, “The council that spent $100,00 on prejudice“, and “Victoria’s dog laws (nearly) twelve months on“.
Jim Crosby, on his canine aggression blog, describes he rather not be in Philadelphia, in regard to pitbull treatment.
Puppy Stuff
An infographic on Dog and Puppy Development.
They’ll grow out of it, right?
Rescue, Welfare & Sheltering
Seven super reasons to adopt a rescue pet.
Ruthless Photography has been a great support of rescue, often donating her time and photos to getting dogs into new homes. She recently posted photos of some very fetching dogs available for adoption in Sydney. She has also made a calendar for 2013 as a fundraiser for Fetching Dogs rescue.
YesBiscuit! made several posts on “Defining no kill sheltering“, on “A spate of oops-killings“, and, my favourite “Dear Shelters, You Can Stop Hating Us Now. Love, Everybody“.
When fate depends on the wag of a tail – on the questionable practices of major shelters in temperament testing.
“On the line: Cradle to Grave” a BBC2 documentary on the greyhound industry.
Saving Pets made some great posts, as always, on animal killing in Australia. Some of these are more cat related than dog related, but are still an accurate reflection of the systems that affect all our companion animals. The posts I shared were: “The illusion of transparency“, “The big fun guide to saving cats this summer“, and “Sydney Port Goliath environment effort“.
Surrenders – how surrender shame can have dire consequences.
A video on The No Kill Revolution in America.
Navigating the maze of stray holding.
Team Unruly created two adoption-related posts: “Adopting from a shetler: Go in with a plan!” and “Five things to know before acquiring a tripod dog“.
CAWS Inc, a welfare group I am a committee member of, are having a movie night in Goodwood next weekend. Find out more.
Favorite rainy day topic: euthanasia. I included this in the rescue section as I felt that it was describing euthanasia in it’s true sense: not in the sense that many shelters use to disguise and sweeten killing.
“The Tail End”
Recently in Australia, a documentary was screened by SBS called “The Tail End”. It is the first real, Australian analysis of shelter-killing. You can read more about it (and watch the show) on the SBS website: “The Tail End“. The rescue community in Australia was excited about it, and the media also made frequent reports regarding the show.
Saving Pets blogged: “SBS Inisght – the beginning of the end for high kill shelters“.
From Rescue with Love: “You’re the voice“.
And a news article: Poor animal kill statistics aired on TV.
“Lost Dogs” film – on chicken jerkey poisoning.
I shared two of “The Angry Vet”‘s posts on neutering, one on neutering ethics, and the other on zinc neutering. I also shared their post on Ruptured Anterior Cruciate Ligament in Dogs.
2011 US Rabies Recap from the Worms and Germs Blog.
I tweeted two of Dogs Naturally Magazine’s posts: “Pet Vaccination: Risks and Benefits” and “Does the AVMA, AAHA support this in pet foods?”
Why dry food is not a healthy diet for cats and dogs.
Take home exam – on the criticism of the vet industry.
Other Stuff
In the Name of the Dog – an infographic on name popularity.
The For The Animals blog has made a committed effort to documenting police brutality towards dogs. Sadly, these posts are on a near-weekly basis and outline a number of attacks towards dogs by police. I continually share these posts from For the Animals because I always find them shocking, and saddening, to read these stories. The ones I tweeted about this period are: Police Dog Shootings 6/8/2012-7/22/2012, Police Dog Shootings 7/29/2012-8/3/2012, Police Dog Shootings 8/4/2012-8/10/2012, and Police Dog Shooting 8/10/12-9/18/12.
BBC audio documentary of dog ownership in Japan – an interesting look at how another culture treats their dogs.
Stud dog management can be complex.
Terrierman asks: Who lobbies on behalf of dog owners?
Migaloo the dog has a nose for archelogy – the first dog believed to be trained to find archelogical remains.
Want the truth? Ask your dog! Perform “The Consent Test” when patting a dog.
Great gifts – custom paintings of pets.
Stray dog drags a severely injured woman 100 feet to get help.
How to build a pet agility course.
Fun Stuff
Video of Mudd the bulldog jumping on the trampoline. Had me literally laughing out loud.
26 Boops that Shook the World.
Proof that cats are better than dogs.
Video: The Emancipation of Prince (makes you question what your dog thinks about you!).
Busted! – Dr Nancy Kay on a dog busting a family member…
Dogtor: The Pilot Episode. A comedy on a dog that’s a doctor…
Animal Stuff
Everybody’s talking – Bett Jean Craige uses examples of her parrot, Cosmo, to examine language in the animal world. She also posted on animal intelligence, with “Don’t measure value by intelligence alone“.
Two cute posts from The Featured Creature: “Tennis Ball-sized baby armadillo is almost too cute for words” and “Reunited and it feels so good: Gorilla brothers’ overwhelming meeting after three years apart“.
Myrtle, after winning Best Puppy of Breed at the Adelaide Royal Show.