The Week in Tweets – 29th October

This is our (almost) weekly segment where we review the content posted on our Twitter over the course of the week. It’s a long post! So make sure you grab a coffee and prepare yourself for some serious reading.

But first, a video with Clover’s effort on the 12th of October 2013 at a Dancing With Dog trial. She is in the freestyle starter competition, and the routine is expected to be about a minute long. Not only did Clover gain a qualifying score (a pass towards her title), she also achieved the highest score of the freestyle competition. We have to wait until new years eve to partake in another competition. The song she performs to is ‘Suddenly I See’ by K T Dunstall.


Tweet of the Week

YesBiscuit! highlight a common problem in animal rescue circles: ‘“Abused and left for dead” – or hey, little dog needs help‘. It is unethical for rescue to make up or exaggerate the reasons that animals have ended up in rescue – and it does no favours for rescue. Many people already see rescued animals as ‘damaged’, and many people already think it is ‘too sad’ to enter a shelter to look for a new pet. Rescue groups need to realise we’re in marketing, and happy stories sell.


Animal News Stories

New mammal species discovered after one lived in zoos for 10 years in case of mistaken identity.

Dolphins have longest memories in Animal Kingdom.

Patrol officer hailed as hero after rescuing dog from accident.

Matchbox Twenty’s Rob Thomas calls Brevard woman to help pit bull.

German shepherd ‘lifeguard’ saves child from drowning.

Position on Russian Anti-Gay Legislation and 2016 World Dog Show.


Dog Science

Do dogs look like their owners?

Dogs yawn more often in response to owners’ yawns than strangers.

How to teach language to dogs.

What do you hear in these dog sounds?

Emotional loads of call test.


Dog Training

Always remember to release your dog!

The Radical Notion of Consequences.

From Crystal at Reactive Champion: “Kathy Sdao Seminar: See and Mark the Behaviour You Like!“, “CPDT Study Session #1 -Instruction Skills“,  and “CPDT Study Session #3 – Important or not?“.

Loretta and Jackson.


Rescue and Sheltering

Maximus – available for adoption in South Australia.

This one was close to the tweet of the week: Are high profile abused dogs a ‘brand’?

From SavingPets: “Mandatory desexing – saving lives or costing lives?“.

Humane or Insane?

How to find a dog at the shelter.

“All they need is love”.

Do you believe in dog?: Black Dog Syndrome: A Bad Rap?.

Poverty, shelter surrender, and what makes a difference.

The Real Story Behind South LA Shelter Intake.

Raiden: The microchip that save a dog’s life, Part I.

From Lindsay at ThatMutt: “Why do people give up their pets when they move?“.

Brett from the KC Dog Blog wrote: “It’s why we’re here” and  “KC Pet Project logs 12 months of No Kill Success“.

Study shows feral cat control could benefit from different approach.

Black dog syndrome – or a bad rap?


Dog Behaivour

Poster Drawings for the APBC.

Calm Submissive.

Was it just a little bite or more? Evaluating bite levels in dogs.

Another one that was close to the tweet of the week: Dogs don’t touch you by accident.

“It’s all in how they’re raised”.

Dog Body Language.


Dog Health/Bodies

Dew Claws Do Have a Purpose!

Dogs CAN see in colour: Scientists dispel the myth that canines can only see in black and white.

What if your labrador puppy is a carrier?

Dog birth control vaccine could limit feral populations.

Common types of canine benign tumours: lipoma, papilloma, and adenoma.

How to provide enrichment training for your dog.

Sedation before euthanasia? Yes or no?


Other Dog Stuff

From The Doggerel: “Rare dog breed quiz, no 3.” and “Should you get a dog?“.

Five things you think you know about breeding (but you’re wrong).

Training the Natural Ear.

The last 40,000 years with dogs.

The poetry of Jimmy Stewart: Beau.


Other Stuff

21 Pictures that will Restore Your Faith in Humanity.



Nice dog, good save – Maximus.

Maximus and toy.

Franklin, 4 weeks.

Today, we got some friends for Franklin and Fonzie. Black dogs become black blobs so easily.

Puppy logic: all squeeze into smallest crate available.

Franklin, 4 weeks.

Done one side of the Hay Plains, now another hour or so of this scenery.

Not only did Clover qualify today, she came first in her class and was also the highest scoring freestyle dog!

So that’s where the chickens have been laying.

Sidewalk kitty in Strathalbyn draws a crowd.

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