This is a brief interlude to my Paul McGreevy Seminars notes to happily announce my latest guest post, on A Mom’s View of ADHD… When I am neither a mum let alone a mum of an ADHD child!
However, I read Liam Creed’s book A Puppy Called Aero, mostly because it was a book about a dog, and realised how relevant it is for anyone with an interest or investment in ADHD children. It is a lovely story of the human-animal bond, and also examines the importance of assistance dogs.
So please visit and read my book review: A Puppy Called Aero – How a Labrador saved a boy with ADHD.
More thoughts on the Paul McGreevy seminars to return soon!
My wife’s just started reading that book. 🙂
I never fails to amaze me how many things dogs are able to help us humans with. From service for the disabled to smelling out tumors, or sensing seizures, and now helping with ADHD.. If only they could talk to us.
Sisko, I hope your wife enjoys the book. 🙂 It’s quite a short book, and only took me about 3 days. I would suggest that your wife reads the last few chapters in private, though, not in public places as I was! It was a bit hard to control my tears.
Harley, there are some interesting stories of dogs going into classrooms as ‘reading buddies’ and helping kids in those contexts, too. Including ADHD children and children with other issues. The best thing is that the more interconnected we become with dogs, the more extensive our body of knowledge on dogs will become. And this means that we can care for them better. It’s a win win!
Hi, first of all let me say I salute you for putting up this blog. It was a lucky coincidence that I’m searching for someone using the same theme in wordpress and then your blog came up, which is about dogs. I have a 5-month old golden retriever and I’m having a hard time teaching him anything, though from what I read and watched, they’re supposed to be easy-to-train breeds.
Anyhow, I also wanted to ask you how you managed your side bar. I’m new to wordpress and the Liquorice theme is not allowing me to add categories in the side bar or on the top menu, or maybe I just really don’t get how to customize it. My right side bar only shows ‘blogroll’ links, not archives or blog categories. I would really appreciate any help from you. Thank you so much, for the tips on improving dog recall as well! 🙂
The top is easy. Any new pages that you create will automatically be linked along the top.
For the side, if you go into your dashboard, and go to appearance, and then widgets, that is how you can customise the side bar.
Hope that helps. 🙂
I seriously feel that breed specific legislation ought to be illegal. A puppy being vicious isn’t based on the breed of dog, but on who raised the puppy, and also for what purpose.