Bits and Pieces

Phew! We’ve had a few things happen that I thought you guys should know about.

Firstly, thank-you to All You Need Is Lists for posting my post second guest post with them, 5 Reasons NOT to Buy a Puppy from a Pet Shop.  This list has been in creation for a little while, but it was just a matter of finalising it.  No, the article is not puppy mill focussed!  Puppy mills is only one of 5 reasons not to buy a puppy from a pet shop.

(My first blog post on AYNIL is 7 Tips for Improving Your Dog Recall.)

In other news, my McGreevy seminar series is now complete.  I have added an index page to the initial post, and all posts in the series have a little link to the index.  Phew!  That was an exhausting effort, but I’m glad it’s done now. I hope others enjoyed the content from the seminar.

Pawsome Blogger Award

Haopee at My Dogs Love Me was kind enough to award us with the Pawsome Blogger award.  I am very flattered – thank-you!  It seems I am now required to pass it on to 8 other ‘pawsome’ bloggers.  Clearly, I’d have to have award my 5 Favourite Dog Blogs of 2011, plus three others… So that would be:

Thank-you to these bloggers for making my Google Reader exciting. I genuinely look forward to the updates from these blogs, in all their diversity.

Finally, I wanted to show you the unexpected gift my friend, Stefan Psarkos, sent me.  I have been belated in sharing Stefan’s work with you all, but it was really too good not to share.

Stefan has sculpted a model of the Belyaev foxes ‘before’ and ‘after’ Belyaev’s selection for tameness. The picture has been posted into my series on Belyaev’s Foxes, but I thought that they deserved to be highlighted here.

On the left is the 'typical' fox, with erect ears, normal colouration and a low set tail. The fox on the right is what Belyaev got after selecting for tameness - a fox with piebaldism, an erect and curly tail, and drop ears.

This lovely model sits on the shelves with my dog book collection, so I can appreciate it in my lounge room, and contemplate the domestication of dogs often. It’s made all the better knowing it is a unique representation, and nothing else like it exists! Thanks, Stefan!

Just had to share all these little bits with you. A more standard blog post coming soon.

8 thoughts on “Bits and Pieces

  1. Hey Tegan. You deserve the Pawsome blogger award.

    I went to check your book collection. I can’t wait to have mine archived. Although there’s only a little over a dozen of them. I plan to add some more once I get through each reading the rest.

    Sometimes I find really good dog books in second hand shops.

    I’m now reading your guest post article. It’s pretty good.

    Huggies and Cheese,


    • Hey Haopee. Thanks for stopping by again.
      I have realised that I haven’t read as many of my dog books as I’d like – even though I have lots. 🙁 Goal for this year, I think!

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