I have mentioned occasionally my first border terrier, MacDogald, and how he now lives with my parents. What I didn’t mention is that my elderly grandmother, who lives with my parents, somehow let Mac out of the yard. And when we found Mac again, he had a fractured pelvis. His pelvis break went straight through the socket for his femur (his ‘hip joint’). We knew Mac would never walk the same again, but after 6 weeks of crate rest, at least he was walking.
Our next step was reducing Mac’s pain as a result of the healed injury, as it was inevitable that he would develop arthritis in that joint. He was started on a course Cartrophen almost immediately, and when he was due for the next course, his behaviour indicated that he was in pain as he was hesitant to engage in some activities. But even then Cartrophen was having a limited effect – as an 11 year old dog, it’s possible that arthritis was starting to creep into his other joints.
So, of course, when Rose-Hip Vital Canine contacted me for a product review, it was only fitting that Mac sample the product to see if it improved his comfort.
I must note that I’m very much a skeptic when it comes to herbal-whatsits, and come from a family of skeptics. Though I was reassured when I received a bunch of research papers with my trial sample, I was still skeptical.
But: We were amazed at Mac’s improvements on Rose-Hip Vital.
One of the most obvious signs of Mac’s pain was that he would hesitate to jump on the couch or the bed. Within a few days of the supplement, Mac had stopped planning his jumps and started easily hopping up.
A few days after this, Mac then stopped groaning when he moved in his bed or got up from laying down. Presumably, the pain that was making him groan was now reduced.
Then, after about 10 days of first starting the supplement, he started running around the house, grabbing toys impulsively and using the couch as his race track.
Not only did Mac’s pain-symptoms decrease after taking Rose-Hip Vital, but it did so dramatically over just 10 days.
Indeed, my skeptical-dad then went out and purchased Rose-Hip Vital (for people). His results were less dramatic, but when he forgot to take his Rose-Hip Vital away with him on a weekend trip, he certainly regretted it! It seems that perhaps Rose-Hip Vital built up more slowly for him and so the results were more subtle, but obviously cumulative.
Mac is not the only dog who has seen incredible results on Rose-Hip Vital Canine. My friend has a border collie with ongoing unresolved lameness issues which saw improvements with the product (see: Kenz’s Story – A Rose Hip Vital Success). Indeed, the active Rose-Hip Vital Canine Facebook page has countless success stories of dogs doing better on the product. A DogzOnline thread shows a number of people having success, too.
Mac continues to take Rose-Hip Vital Canine, and we have no plans of taking him off the product. I would very much recommend Rose-Hip Vital Canine for any dog with joint related issues. The results seen with Mac were significant and fast-acting.
Rose-Hip Vital Canine is responsible for dramatic improvements in Mac’s mobility and significantly improving his quality of life. We are so grateful for finding this product and finding the Mac we used to know again.
Rose-Hip Vital Canine provided Some Thoughts About Dogs with a free sample of the product but all thoughts and experiences expressed in this blog post are my own. Genuinely very happy with this product!
Can you use RHV human ones for canines, what is the difference?
Hi Arlene. You best check with the manufacturer, but I think the only difference is that the human powder is finer. Humans also have a capsule option (instead of powder).
Yep that is correct Leema. You can definitely use the human product on canines as you say its just finer then the canine version.
Our 7 y/o Boxer cross tore her cruciate and had to have surgery to repair it…it was a full rupture. Tia has been of anti inflammatory for the last 4 weeks since the surgery as was still very lame on her leg. The vet said he expected her to bare more weight on the leg and, to be at least 50% on her way to recovery but she wasn’t.
I started adding 6 level spoons of Rosehip Canine to her food just 3 days ago and this morning I noticed she was putting more weight on the leg and, she also had a bit of a spring to her step, which is a great sign! I’ve also been giving her 1000mg of Red Krill a day and there is a remarkable improvement in Tia’s health and well being. Although she will never get full use of her leg again, I am doing everything possible to help prevent her from tearing the other cruciate by giving her joints what they need in the form of supplements and a strict weight loss program. Touch wood…so far so good!
Thanks for sharing your experiences, Monica, and it’s great to hear that your Boxer is doing well on RoseHip!
So if the human version can be used for dogs, can the canine version be used for humans?