This is our near-weekly instalment where we share what we’ve tweeted about in the week gone by. If you don’t like waiting for this post, you can always follow us on Twitter.
Tweet of the Week
This week, my favourite link I shared goes to an article written by Karen Peak called “Choosing the Rescue Route“. She suggests that potential adopters be prepared (e.g. do some research on dog breeds), consider whether to go through a kennel rescue or a foster care rescue, ask themselves “Is this really a rescue?”, and avoid rescues that give guilt trips regarding dogs. A valid resource that explains that rescue is not always the ‘right’ option for everyone.
Dog Training and Behavior
This was a very close runner for the Tweet of the Week! “Get Out of My Face! Teaching an Incompatible Behavior” on training (success and failures!) in teaching dogs to ‘get out of your face’).
The 7 Habits of Successful Fearful Dogs – an important post by Fearful Dogs that is starting the conversation on habit behaviours in dogs.
Dog Health
Pet Vaccine Issues with Dr Jean Dodds – Pet Professional Guild Live Webinar – I went to a seminar with Jean Dodds several years ago and I highly recommend her!
From Speaking For Spot: “Not All Patients Read the Textbook“, about pets who ‘beat the odds’ in terms of medical diagnosis.
From Dogs Naturally: “Why I Don’t Vaccinate My Dogs At All“.
No Kill and Sheltering
(No Kill): It Could Happen This Year
By SavingPets: “The shortage of rescue cats in Melbourne” and “This is going awesome (on feral cats)“.
Hope, Kansas? (on pet limit laws)
Dog Science
Scientific Seminar 2013 – in Canberra, Australia.
From Do You Believe In Dog: “Thinking laterality: steps, jumps and wonder-whorls“.
You there! Play with your dog! For science!
Police Brutality
Police officer shot two family pets while responding to 911 call.
Police Shootings of Dogs 12/1/12-12/31/12.
Buy Stuff
Make a custom pillow case for your dog or kiddo for $5 ($22 reg)!
Tough Love – A meditation on dominance and dogs (watch the trailer, then buy the film).
Dog Breed Cartoon by K9Login (really cute simple breed designs on accessories).
Other Dog Stuff
This is NSFW, because it’s exactly what it sounds like: Westminster Dog Show – on Acid! (video).
Piper the Basenji talks about Central Asian Shepherd Dogs.
We Are Not Judging Statues – on dog show judging.
Two posts from Border Wars:Something is Rotten in Harlequin Danes and Lethal Semi-Dominant: Bobtail.
The proposed changes to the Animal Welfare Act do not solve the so-called “puppy mill” problem.
Other Animal Stuff
On the Backs fo the Exploited.
The Fox and the Fence – from Terrierman, explaining the size of terriers in pictures.
Behavioural problems in rabbits, rodents and ferrets.
Nurtitional Adequacy and Performance of Raw Food Diets in Kittens.
Thank you for sharing the Dr. Jean Dodd’s post. I’ve only read about her in books and this is the first time I’ve seen a picture of her. Too bad I can’t watch the webinar.
Oh no, again with the police brutality? It’s getting crazy. I’ve read about 4 of those already… and there’s more?!? When will it end.
Huggies and Cheese,
That’s a shame you can’t make her webinar! Please try if anything changes!
The police brutality is a big issue to me… But I can’t say I’m surprised that USA police use guns to kill dogs, considering the over use of guns there, full stop.
So many important and interesting articles, and a couple disturbing ones. I love that you share these on a regular basis as it saves me from seeking out my own reading material!
Glad to know at least one person looks forward to these links!
Love all this info! Thanks!
Glad you found it of interest! 🙂
Thank you for sharing our article on “Choosing the Rescue Route“. We are grateful for your support 🙂
Thanks for writing great content!