The Week In Tweets – 27th March 2013

This is our (almost) weekly segment where we review the content posted on our Twitter over the course of the week. It’s a long post! So make sure you grab a coffee and prepare yourself for some serious reading.


But before we start: A quick picture of Winnie with two of her three puppies, born last week. (The other one is fine, just camera shy!)

Blue and tan border terrier bitch with a litter of puppies.

Now, on to the tweets!


Tweet of the Week

On Dr Sophia Yin’s blog, “Coprophagia: The scoop on poop eating in dogs“, has one of the most detailed looks at poo-eating in dogs. This is significant as, up until, the answer to ‘why does my dog eat poo?’ has mostly been unknown. The study Dr Sophia Yin looks at at least begins to think about reasons for poo eating. (Interestingly, the study also finds that desexed animals are more likely to poo eat!)

Do something!

Expand your knowledge with seminars: Peterborough seminar with Debbie Jacobs on “Understanding fear in dogs and how to help them”; K9 Coaching Clinics in South Australia; and AMRICC Conference in October 2013.

Help research on a Canine Temperament Test with La Trobe University.

NSW Taskforce; Community to have a say on changes to companion animals and dangerous dogs laws.

RSPCA Victoria – Free microchipping and desexing program for regional Victoria.


Dog Behaviour Science

Do humans serve as a ‘safe haven’ for stressed dogs? from Stanley Coren. I really loved this and it was very close to being the tweet of the week.

From Companion Animal Psychology: Do dogs have stable personality traits? and Frustration in Pet Dog Training.

‘Self-Control Depletion’ & Dogs from Patricia McConnell.

From ScieneDaily: “Dog spots the dog: Dogs recognise the dog species among several other species on a computer screen” and “Dogs may understand human point of view“.


Dog Training

From K9 Pro: “Socialisation? What is it exactly?”  K9Pro posted something similar on DogzOnline forums ages ago, and I loved it, and I’m so please he has finally blogged about it so it’s easier to share. This was another front runner for Tweet of the Week.

Bite me! – from Debbie Jacobs on dog trainers get bitten.

Obedience without conflict with Ivan Balabanov: The retrieve (a video).

Thoughts on an All-Positive Training Seminar (pdf).

Dog using toilet (video) – unbelievable.

Separation Anxiety Solution: Training Fido that calm behavior makes you return from Dr Sophia Yin.

Teaching Distance Drop Using the Food Placement Method (video).

Five common mistakes to avoid with your new puppy.

Limitations to training.

“Errorless” Learning from Eileen and Dogs.


Dog Behaviour

Comfort Dog from Team Unruly.

A growl is a good thing.

How calming signals opened my eyes very wide.

Using ‘dominance’ to explain dog behavior is old hat.

Dog is in the details (dominance).

Dog facial expressions: stress from Eileen and Dogs.

Animal Behavior – CrashCourse Biology #25 (video).


Dog Health

Boz, bloat and hope.

Feeding your mastiff puppy a raw diet.

Switching your mastiff (or any dog) to a raw diet: a 1, 2,3 plan.

Stop getting ripped off by price-gouging vets.

Vaccine alert – please read.

New study: Neutering affects dog health.

New study finds early neuter doubles the risk of hip dyplasia in dogs.

Help… my dog’s stomach is swollen! Bloat, torison, and GDV in dogs – Part 1: Be aware.


The Purebred Dog World

Reading pedigrees, a lost art?

A basic understanding of pedigrees.

AKC Speeds to Collapse.

The myth of kennel blindness.


Rescue and Sheltering

Independent calls for parliamentary enquiry into the states RSPCA.

RSPCA defends Moork shelter investigation.

RSPCA ACT – saving more lives.

People want to save pets’ lives. Let them.

Microchip, even for a tiny pooch, eases heartache.

Tessa’s rescue and rehab: A blind dog who couldn’t walk.

From Saving Pets: “Bobo – a victim of BSL“, “The Project – BSL” (video), “Are you breeding next year’s shelter dog?“, “(WA) Cats, cats everywhere!!“, and “Media misses the real scandal in Young“.

Viking and Legend – Sydney Dog Photographer – Fetching Dogs for adoption in NSW.

Issues of consumption, production, and surplus with cats.

The 2012 Pedigree Feeding Project Presents: Forever Home (video).

Killing in our pounds from Rescued with Love Rescue.

Too difficult to adopt a dog?


The Irresponsible Public

The title of this segment is my dig at irony. Often, large shelters and pounds call the public ‘irresponsible’ for their inability to keep their pets from entering the facility and being killed. Here is a collection of articles that show how ‘irresponsible’ they actually are:

Dave Thomas, San Bernardino Man, Gets Dog Back After Stranger Takes Heartbreaking Photo at Animal Shelter.

An irresponsible 10 year old boy courageously saves cat from abuse.

Someone who adopts a dog from a shelter find that the dog still has its past owner’s number attached to it’s collar. They call, and find out just how irresponsible that past owner is.

And several from RSPCA Pro: Irresponsible public will put ID tags on their pets when access is convenient, irresponsible public surrenders pets after consideration and  with notes like “He loves to have his belly rubbed”.


Funny Dog Videos

Poodle exercise video (more weird than doggy).

The Wrong Automation – fun advertisement.

Shiva Goes Crazy – zoomies at agility.

A stupid dog and his rolling rock.

God made a border terrier.


Other Dog Stuff

Warlukurlangu Artists of Yuendumu Dog Collars – cool aboriginal art collars.

Train Your Dog Positively Book Excerpt.

DOC Martin Star Martin Clunes Rat Vermin Killing with Jack Russell Terriers.

Half of intentional shootings by police involve dogs, study says.

Fido and Facebook: Your pets may be more popular than you.

How therapy dogs almost never came to exist.


Other Animal Stuff

Monarto Zoo performs first ever hyena caesarean in Australia.

Australian Turkey Farming: big birds, big cruelty.

More evidence that polar bears and brown bears have exchanged genes in the past.

Goats yelling like humans – super cut compliation.

5 minutes cat spay (video).

Jays know which worms their sweethearts crave.

Sperm are cool #3 – Giant sperm and the zenker organ.

Got milk? Zebras stealing and sharing milk.



Winnie’s 9 weeks pregnant belly: Picture 1 and Picture 2.

Winnie and puppies photos: Picture 1 and Picture 2 and Picture 3 and Picture 4.

Then individual puppy photos: Guinness’ head, Tattoo (5 days old), Gaspy-Tayto, and a group shot.

Digger’s smile.

And the Puppies 2012 litter had photos taken:

Leema Callistemon from Clover

Leema Grivillea From Clover

Leema Alfalfa from Clover

2 thoughts on “The Week In Tweets – 27th March 2013

  1. I always take a look at your “week in Tweets” posts. I think you post some interesting articles. I am most interested in the animal sheltering/ no kill news, and sometimes you post articles I would’ve missed. It’s impossible to weed through everyone’s posts on Twitter, so it’s nice when you post your favorites for us here:)

    • Thanks for your comment, Lindsay. I often wonder if anyone reads the Weeks in Tweets, so it’s nice to know you do. 🙂 I am big into the no-kill movement, but it’s not something I actively explore on this blog (yet?).

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