The Week in Tweets (August +)

I’m a bad blogger. This segment, where I share my tweets, is supposed to occur weekly. Sadly, I’ve been slack, so instead you’re getting a month’s worth of tweets at once! Put your feet up for an hour and read something about dogs.


Tweet of the Week

So you think you know why animals play?  Beautifully written, challenging, engaging, fascinating, thought provoking. As it name suggests, the article seeks to answer the question of why animals play. In reality, it answers why animals don’t play… If you can’t afford the time to read anything else on this list, read this first, and enjoy it!

Children and Dogs

How to help your child after a dog bite. On the psychological trauma of a dog bite.

Jen Shryock talks to AnimalCAFE on keeping kids and dogs safe together


Pet Health

Speaking for Spot talks about pudgy (fat!) pets and asks “Is it vomiting or is it regurgitation?” and writes on hospice care for pets. A busy time for Nancy Kay, posting good content consistently!

Who cares about canine obesity?

Guest post on Vets Behaving Badly: Nursing in the ICU.

Corn on the Cob: A Warning from Peggy Frezon.


Dog Training, Behaviour, and Intellect

To hug or not? An article exploring the way that hugs don’t necessarily mean affection to dogs! (But you all knew this, didn’t you?)

How names and labels affect your dog’s behavior.

Making Lemonade” (a post on dog intelligence).

Illustrations for speaking dog.

AMRRIC’s conference session on ‘encroachment and zones‘.  I don’t agree with everything in this video, but I still found it an interesting session to listen to.

Death from snake bite before discomfort? Terrierman justifies the use of punishment for training snake aversion in dogs.

Why we don’t rehome siblings together (and why I don’t, either!) – from the Fetching Dogs rescue group.

Review: Cesar Millan’s The Pack Leader Tour.

A silent killer (on force free training methods).

Simply Wrong – an article on a shocking (literally) training leash from Patricia McConnell.

Self control vs. imposed control for dogs: “Leave It”. I love this because it is exactly my approach – I don’t use ‘leave it’ because I want my dogs to automatically leave things, unless told otherwise. A much better system.

Small, white dogs – are spoiled dogs really more likely to bite? From Debbie at the Fearful Dog Blog.


Rescue & Sheltering

Video on the jail dogs of Gwinnett County  (a documentary with Vicotoria Stilwell).

I homed more dogs than PeTA.

How I failed as a rescuer: Lessons from a Sanctuary.

As always, I have quite a few excellent posts from SavingPets to share with you: “Overhauling the pound system – action every animal advocate can take to make a better future for pets“,  “What is an acceptable level of killing?“, “Is compulsory desexing ethical?“,

Shelter dog training and behavior is enhance by playgroups – AnimalCAFE talks about the Open Paw approach to shelter-dog interactions.

Irresponsible ownership: Whats neutering got ot do with it?

Are black dogs less loveable?

My Dog Magazine looks at the advertising needed to make puppy farms an unpopular option.

Is Bella your new best friend?

Directors of pet killing facilities keep puppy mills in business.

Celeste, Walks, Attention, Fostering – on fostering dogs.

(Foster) Pets Add Life.

What’s wrong with the Lost Dogs Home?

Chix-A-Lot Friday: Let’s be gentle, not judgemental.

Morpheus photos – lovely shots from Ruthess Photos on a dog looking for a home in the Sydney area.


BSL and Pitties

Behavior vs BSL – a distinction that would have saved Lennox.

Pitbull apologetics.

Noise about Lennox and Silence Over Pit Bulls – Terrierman talks on a different side of the Lennox case.

Shadow dogs and ancient contracts: are we barking up the wrong tree when opposing breed specific legislation? Something I have been thinking about for a long time, but hadn’t bothered to put into words.  My thoughts are well expressed by Heading for Home.

You have to be taught to hate pit bulls.

A loose contender in this category, just because a lot of police dog shooting victims are pitties (and there was no other appropriate place to put this!): Police Dog Shootings 7/22/2012-7/28/2012.


Dog Breeds and Breeding

Hobby, Lifestlye, or Profession? On dog breeding.

Neutered male dogs can still have sex! A little known fact from Dr Sophia Yin.

Who’s your daddy? (Take two) – on popular sires from the Pedigree Dogs Exposed blog.


Animal Stuff

Gary Yourofsky delivers “the best speech you will ever hear“.

The only thing birds have to fear is fear itself.

Billie the special needs rabbit needs a home in Western Australia (now on trial!).

Not tonight deer: A new birth control vaccines helps reduce urban deer damage.


Humour and Fun

Is there a big black market for replacement chinchillas? A comical post from Vets Beahving Badly.

An open lettter to teenagers wanting babies (get a puppy instead!).

Dog versus humans in the olympic games.



The first egg from my chickens!