
Little Blog Updates

I haven’t given an update of this blog for a while, and I thought it was important to let you guys know what’s happening.

As many of you would’ve noticed, our theme for our blog has changed to something a bit cleaner – but I am still not completely satisfied with the look. I’ve still got a lot of changes I want to make, so please excuse the site if it looks a bit messy over the coming weeks. I promise it’s for the best!

In keeping with blog-updating, I went through and updated hyperlinks in old blog posts so they’re a little bit more current. In particular, linking to relevant blog posts within this site. Now is as good a time as any to look through out blog archives!

You may have noticed that our last blog post included an audio reading. This was a new idea, and I’ve created this poll to gauge your interest in audio components of my blog posts. Please tick a box below and let me know if audio segments should be a permanent feature of Some Thoughts About Dogs.

[polldaddy poll=”6921350″]


And we also would like to share our excitement in being included in the ‘Top 100 Pet Blogs to Follow in 2013’ – let alone in the top half! I have so many blogs to visit and watch, and I encourage others to have a scout of these blogs, too. Continue reading


Latest Awards

I am proud to announce that Some Thoughts About Dogs was voted as one of the ‘Top 107’ pet blogs. A pretty cool honour.  If you have the time, there are 106 other pet blogs you can click through to. Phew!

I am also belatedly extending my thanks to Haopee at My Dogs Love Me for presenting me with the Versatile Blogger Award (though all the way back in January… whoops).

The rules for the Versatile Blogger Award are as follows:
1. Thank the award giver and link back in your post (done!)
2. Share 7 things about your self
3. Pass this award to as many as 15 blogs you enjoy reading and let them know about the award!

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