
Latest Awards

I am proud to announce that Some Thoughts About Dogs was voted as one of the ‘Top 107’ pet blogs. A pretty cool honour.  If you have the time, there are 106 other pet blogs you can click through to. Phew!

I am also belatedly extending my thanks to Haopee at My Dogs Love Me for presenting me with the Versatile Blogger Award (though all the way back in January… whoops).

The rules for the Versatile Blogger Award are as follows:
1. Thank the award giver and link back in your post (done!)
2. Share 7 things about your self
3. Pass this award to as many as 15 blogs you enjoy reading and let them know about the award!

Continue reading


Bits and Pieces

Phew! We’ve had a few things happen that I thought you guys should know about.

Firstly, thank-you to All You Need Is Lists for posting my post second guest post with them, 5 Reasons NOT to Buy a Puppy from a Pet Shop.  This list has been in creation for a little while, but it was just a matter of finalising it.  No, the article is not puppy mill focussed!  Puppy mills is only one of 5 reasons not to buy a puppy from a pet shop.

(My first blog post on AYNIL is 7 Tips for Improving Your Dog Recall.)

In other news, my McGreevy seminar series is now complete.  I have added an index page to the initial post, and all posts in the series have a little link to the index.  Phew!  That was an exhausting effort, but I’m glad it’s done now. I hope others enjoyed the content from the seminar.

Pawsome Blogger Award

Haopee at My Dogs Love Me was kind enough to award us with the Pawsome Blogger award.  I am very flattered – thank-you!  It seems I am now required to pass it on to 8 other ‘pawsome’ bloggers.  Clearly, I’d have to have award my 5 Favourite Dog Blogs of 2011, plus three others… So that would be:

Thank-you to these bloggers for making my Google Reader exciting. I genuinely look forward to the updates from these blogs, in all their diversity.

Finally, I wanted to show you the unexpected gift my friend, Stefan Psarkos, sent me.  I have been belated in sharing Stefan’s work with you all, but it was really too good not to share.

Stefan has sculpted a model of the Belyaev foxes ‘before’ and ‘after’ Belyaev’s selection for tameness. The picture has been posted into my series on Belyaev’s Foxes, but I thought that they deserved to be highlighted here.

On the left is the 'typical' fox, with erect ears, normal colouration and a low set tail. The fox on the right is what Belyaev got after selecting for tameness - a fox with piebaldism, an erect and curly tail, and drop ears.

This lovely model sits on the shelves with my dog book collection, so I can appreciate it in my lounge room, and contemplate the domestication of dogs often. It’s made all the better knowing it is a unique representation, and nothing else like it exists! Thanks, Stefan!

Just had to share all these little bits with you. A more standard blog post coming soon.


5 Favourite Dog Blogs of 2011

While Rescued Insanity compiled a lovely list of blog posts she enjoyed for the year, I’m sitting here cursing that I never composed such a list!  While I do post my favourite links, mostly blog posts, on my Twitter account, I can hardly fathom getting the number of my favourite blog posts down to an appropriate number to incorporate into one post. So please let me just promise that I’ll try harder next year.

Instead, I thought I’d write a post on my favourite dog blogs of the year.  This is almost as an extraordinary feat, if you consider my blogroll length. However, I’ll try.

Here we go:

Screenshot of Saving Pets Website Saving Pets.  Written by PetRescue founder, Shel, this blog constantly, and edgily, challenges the shelter system in Australia.  The blog is phenomenally well researched, well presented, and relevant.  (On a side note, this blog is also responsible for almost everything I know about cats…)  I get excited when I see Saving Pets come up in my Google Reader, and I hope you enjoy reading as well.

Screenshot of Reactive Champion WebsiteReactive Champion.  Crystal’s blog is more of a journey and dog training blog, no where near as specific as the title ‘Reactive Champion’ makes out.  The diversity of topics is what I appreciate, and the time and effort evident in every one of Crystal’s post.  Crystal’s well thought-out and clear explanations explore a host of dog related issues, from dog training to dog medication to reactive behaviours.  What I really appreciate is the extensive notes that Crystal provides when she attend expos. Reactive Champion is very much ‘worth the read’.

Screenshot of Intellidogs WebsiteIntellidogs.  So this is not so much a blog as it is podcasts, but I simply cannot get enough.  Karen Wilde and John Buskle present the podcast, and explore a variety of topics.  I love that Karen and John come from different continents and have different doggy interests, and it really adds flavour to the show.  This podcast often accompanies me as I do housework. I would absolutely miss the Intellidogs podcasts if they ceased to occur.

Screenshot of KC Dog Blog WebsiteKC Dog Blog.  Brent Toellner is an inspiration.  His blog shows campaigns lodged against BSL and for no-kill.  He also often includes extensive reviews of new dog studies, of media cases regarding dogs, particularly dog bites, and links to the most phenonemal other blog posts.  How this man does it all, I have no idea!  Though sometimes the content is very US specific, there is plenty of ‘other stuff’ to keep me entertained.

Screenshot of My Puppy, My Self BlogMy Puppy, My Self.  I am not always engaged or driven by the content on this blog, but I really admire and enjoy the commitment and discussions around dog science.  Also, there are normally some lovely links to dog science and dog discussions in his posts.  For this reason, Lee Charles Kelley’s blog got into my favourite blog list.


What were your top 5 blogs for 2011?


See how this compares to our favourites of 2012. Continue reading


Pet Blogs United Feature

You may have noticed our little button on the side bar for a while now.


Well, we are very happy to be the current featured blogger on Pet Blogs United. This great blog seeks, as its name suggests, to unite pet bloggers.  They feature a pet blogger weekly, and I try to write comments on these featured blogs where possible.  I’ve added some of the good value ones to my Google Reader, too.

They also frequently feature give aways (and many global!) that are all pet related. Another good reason to check out and follow Pet Blogs United.

We are very grateful for the help from Pam and Oskar in getting our blog featured, and a big welcome to all those bloggers who are stopping by for the first time. I hope you find this blog of interest and you stick around. Your comments are appreciated.

Happy blogging!