Puppy Socialisation Checklist
Socialisation is one of the most important roles of a new puppy owner. Puppies’ brains develop considerably from 6 weeks-16 weeks of age. During this time, the puppy learns a lot about their world. It is a unique window of time that will impact the puppy for life. Socialisation is the process by which your puppy is exposed to as many facets of life as possible.
Puppies that are well socialised are more secure adults, and more adaptable adults. If nothing else is done, the most important thing a puppy owner can do is expose the puppy to as many things as possible. To be beneficial, these exposures must be positive.
Puppies should be exposed, in a positive or neutral way, to as many things as possible. Negative experiences that occur during the socialisation window can affect a puppy for life. Some recent research suggests that puppies need to be exposed to things several times over the socialisation period.
The below list is also available as a PDF: Puppy Socialisation Checklist Continue reading